The part of private revelation in the Church.
I. What the Scriptures say:
St Matthew’s Gospel 7:15-20 gives the principles for the discernment of prophecy:
‘Beware of false prophets who come to you disguised as sheep but underneath are ravenous wolves. You will be able to tell them by their fruits. Can people pick grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? In the same way, a sound tree produces good fruit but a rotten tree bad fruit. A sound tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor a rotten tree bear good fruit. Any tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown on the fire. I repeat, you will be able to tell them by their fruits.’
The fruits of the Way of Divine Innocence are:
1. Instruction how to live the Gospel message more fully by following Christ in his earthly mission from his beginning to his end, following the way of his Divine Innocence, as Catholics faithful to the Church’s teaching.
2 A deeper understanding of crucified innocence and how Christ’s Divine Innocence is triumphant in all areas of crucified innocence (symbolised by the little cross of the Crucified Innocence).
3. The Novitiate of the Holy Family: learning the true meaning of the motherly and fatherly roles according to the divine order God established in the Holy Family and the Catholic Church and learning to carry them out according to our individual vocations in life.
4. The Proclamation of the martyrdom of all children killed before birth as companion martyrs of the first Holy Innocents. This proclaims universally how these innocent victims of other people’s sins are conformed to Christ, how they are martyr witnesses to the truth of the right to life. The missionary effects of this public liturgical act are enormous; pastoral, ecumenical and evangelisation.
5. The Eucharistic University and life-long study of the faith; as part of adoration of Our Lord’s Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament where we diligently study the Catholic Faith (and other appropriate subjects) before Jesus, the Person of Truth – a new age of enlightenment for the good of mankind and the building up of the Church.
6. The Song of Divine Love; learning and practising to live and sing our part of the Song of Divine Love in harmony with God.
7. The Philosophy of Divine Love which helps to refute all false philosophies:
The Philosophy of Divine Love. (Patricia)
Our Lord uses the wording ‘The Philosophy of Divine Love’ in the messages and this shows us how man’s philosophies fall short of ‘The Philosophy of Divine Love’. Some fall short in logic, others in love, or both logic and love. These man made philosophies need the ultimate Philosophy of Divine Love, which itself is not a philosophy in the traditional meaning of the word but a bringing together of faith and reason. Man, through reason, can only reach a limited understanding of reality and the nature of being. He needs God to reveal Himself to man, to show him his true dignity and destiny and that man needs Salvation. God himself, in the person of Christ, the second person of the Blessed Trinity died for love of us, to redeem mankind from sin and death and to show us the way to the Father. Christ is the definitive Revelation of God, a Revelation of Love, the Word made flesh. (Jn 1:14) Our Lord shows that He is not just the Prime Mover as St. Thomas Aquinas taught, He is the Prime Lover and all movement that comes from God is a movement of Love for man’s Salvation and sanctification. The beauty and wonder of all creation including man is an expression of Gods love for us.
Philosophy of Divine Love (Fr. Philippe Jobert - see Link ‘Theology…’):
A deeper participation in Divine Love, under the motion of the Holy Spirit, leads to a deeper sharing in Divine Wisdom. Human intelligence discovers new meanings within Divine Revelation, through a perception of the Divine Love Himself by mystical experience. In such a way, the Holy Spirit communicates the Philosophy of Divine Love itself, which is complete and perfect truth. However, this communication is given in the obscurity of faith, and remains always limited by the limits of human intelligence, as well as by the measure of the gift of God. Coming from an experience of God, this philosophy is superior to all philosophies which come only from an experience of things.
II. Vatican II’s Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, Apostolocam Actuositatem Chapter I, Verse 3 states:
‘For the exercise of this apostolate, the Holy Spirit who sanctifies the people of God through ministry and the sacraments gives the faithful special gifts also (cf. 1Cor.12:7), “allotting them to everyone according as He wills” (1Cor 12:11) in order that individuals, administering grace to others just as they have received it, may also be “good stewards of the manifold grace of God” (1Pet 4:10), to build up the whole body in charity (cf. Eph. 4:16). From the acceptance of these charisms, including those which are more elementary, there arise for each believer the right and duty to use them in the Church and in the world for the good of men and the building up of the Church, in the freedom of the Holy Spirit who “breathes where he wills”
(Jn 3:8). This should be done by the laity in communion with their brothers in Christ, especially with their pastors who must make a judgement about the true nature and proper use of these gifts, not to extinguish the Spirit but to test all things and hold for what is good (cf. 1Thess. 5:12,19,21).”
[On the Feast of Christ the King dated 24th November 1996 referring to the messages being given through the inspiration of Divine Innocence Our Lord said: “they are a greater light of the Holy Spirit on existing public Revelation” ie. a development in our understanding of already revealed truth.]
[The fact that Revelation has ‘not been made completely explicit’ refers to Jesus’ words in St. Johns Gospel 16:12-14: “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.”]
Christian faith cannot accept ‘revelations’ that claim to surpass or correct the Revelation of which Christ is the fulfilment, as in the case in certain non-Christian religions and also in certain recent sects which base themselves on such ‘revelations’.’
The Commentary states: ‘The Flemish theologian E. Dhanis, who is an eminent scholar in this field, states succinctly that ecclesiastical approval of a private revelation has three elements: the message contains nothing contrary to faith or morals; it is lawful to make it public; and the faithful are authorised to accept it with prudence (E Dhanis, Sguardo su Fatima e bilancio di una discussione, in La Civilta Cattolica 104 [1953], II, 392-406, in particular 397). Such a message can be a genuine help in understanding the Gospel and living it better at a particular moment in time; therefore it should not be disregarded. It is a help which is offered, but which one is not obliged to use.’
[Referring to the underlined, in a message from the inspiration of Divine Innocence dated 31st July 2000 Our Lord said:
Jesus. If you are offered a basket of good fruit or food, you are not obliged to use it except it would be foolish to leave it unused and in this case wasteful.]
The Commentary raises some questions: “How can they [private revelations] be classified correctly in relation to Scripture?” and “To which theological category do they belong?” Cardinal Ratzinger answers them by stating:
“The oldest letter of
[In a message dated 9th February 1996 Our Lord said:
Jesus. The Novitiate of
the Holy Family has been revealed to draw all mankind into one vocation* and to
follow Me with one heart, mind and purpose, from the beginning to the
end. From My beginning to My end, Perfection and Glory. As you were
shown just a little while ago, it is time for one vocation, and its Novitiate
is the Novitiate of the Holy Family. Gone is the time for you to live
only one facet of the diamond of perfection. ‘Be you therefore perfect as
your Heavenly Father is perfect’. ‘Unless you become as little children
you cannot enter the
* In the vocation of the Novitiate of the Holy Family, all vocations are contained; priestly, married, single and religious according to their particular vocation. The Novitiate of the Holy Family gives us a deeper insight as to how all mankind should be one Holy Family and people of God within the Catholic Church in Nazareth Universal.
In a message dated 19th June 2001, Our Lord said: “I AM Divine Innocence!”]
IV. Extracts taken from Karl Rahner’s thesis Visions and Prophecies, Burns and Oates Ltd., 1963 speaking of the contribution of private revelation to the faith.
…..“The possibility of private revelation through visions and associated
auditory experiences is evident in principle for a Christian. God as a
free personal being can make Himself perceptable to the created spirit, not
only through His works, but also by his free personal word.
(p.13)………..Therefore, anyone who absolutely rejects the possibility of special
revelations offends against faith; and anyone who denies that they may occur
even since the apostolic age offends against a doctrine which is theologically
certain. (p.16)
…..[A]lthough they are “private”- [they] address the Church or major
parts of the Church through the visionary: private revelations recommending a
particular devotion, exhorting to penance, giving certain instructions, warning
against certain doctrines, recommending a spiritual doctrine or manner of life,
and so forth. Without any doubt in the course of the Church’s history
there have continually been private revelations of this kind, and they have
exercised great influence. They present not only psychological, but also
theological problems. Now when private revelations are discussed among
Catholics it is usually in terms of the psychology of such phenomena and hence
of the authenticity of the revelations and the truth of their content. We
would not contest or doubt the legitimacy of this approach. We shall
ourselves examine this problem at length. Nevertheless, we feel that it
is one sided. It has to be complemented by a theological approach.
[This is why the Movement of Divine Innocence has always followed the
theological route.]
…..[A]s the charism of the discerning of spirits in the Church is bound
up with ecclesiastical authority, it does not follow apriori that God will
impart the divine motion making known that He commands the Church, or parts of
it, to do a certain thing in the changing circumstances of history, solely
through members of the hierarchy. In principle the Holy Spirit can act
upon the Church through any one of her members to announce what He requires of
her, what command He lays upon her for the moment. It seems to us that
this is the essence of post-apostolic, prophetic, “private revelations”.
God inspiring a member of the Church with His imperative for the Church in a
concrete historical situation.” (p. 27)
Messages given about the inspiration itself and its reception.
March 1997. Third Sunday in Lent.
Considering the theme of rejection in the Gospel and throughout Christianity.
“He came to His own and His own received Him not.” (John 1.11)
In relation to private revelation, we need to be careful that through a
genuine gift of the Holy Spirit where Our Lord, Our Lady and the Saints are
speaking to the Church, via those chosen to give the message that ‘his own
receive Him not’. He comes again and again, not in new revelation, but in
the greater light of the Holy Spirit upon the already revealed Truth. A
private revelation is to help the Church and the world at a time of special
need, such as the world-wide killing of millions of innocent children happening
in our time. Sadly, as is the case in this message, when God ‘came onto his
own, they received Him not’. (Jn 1:11)
In the message of Divine Innocence we are being
warned that this mass murder in every country in the world of our children,
cannot continue. The children are made in God’s image he will defend that image
in them. The wrath of God will thunder down upon the world. Our
Lord said:
Jesus. Those
who have stood in the path of the Holy Spirit have sinned against Him, even
calling Him the devil, or giving the credit to an individual receiver rather
than to God to whom it is due - beware! Beware also, you who ridicule God
and His message of Love and Mercy, by ridiculing the receiver and the message,
by saying the recipient is mad and thus this message of God is discredited in
the eyes of those in authority and in the eyes of those for whom it is given,
in order to help the people and the Church.
You will one day stand before your God and no excuse
will help you, if you do not in prayer and humility enquire of the gift and
pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, check the message seriously against
the teaching of the Church, check the facts and look at the fruits.
Beware if you have led others away with you and made fun of or attacked God’s
gift of His Divine Innocence! This Message of Divine Love is for God’s
suffering children everywhere, for suffering and crucified families and aborted
children so that their apostolic mission can begin in the Church. It is a
gift of the living active Novitiate of the Holy Family in a Universal Novitiate
of Nazareth Universal in the
Beware, the recipient of the grace, the instrument
chosen, that you do not grow weary or give up calling people to repent and be
saved. That ‘in season and out of season’, you insist on the truth of this
message of Christ’s Divine Innocence Triumphant. For you will stand
before God and be asked for an account of the stewardship of this grace.
Pray to stay faithful to the end!
14th February 2000.
Feast of Sts. Cyril and Methodius,
Patricia. Lord, the
Church says that there is no new revelation since the Apostles?
There is a
deeper understanding of the definitive revelation that I AM!
27th June 2000(i).
Jesus. (Spoken to a priest) Witness to what you have
seen and heard! Witness to Truth and Love, theology and doctrine in the
messages – development. There is no new revelation because it is original
and forever new. Why is the Church afraid of the original design?
6th October 2000
(iii). First Friday.
Patricia. After we had completed the
Walk of Reparation I said to Our Lord:
Patricia. Lord, I just don't
understand all this harassment and lack of co-operation.
Jesus. You struggle on without the help of the
Hierarchy's organisation and help and do your best and I am well pleased!
This Walk (of Reparation for abortion and other sins against God's Divine
Innocence) is a walk without the shepherds. Where are they? Again I
ask, where are they? Why are they not helping you - apart from a
few. The children are the father of these Churchmen! They say they
are busy with My affairs - My affair is that all souls learn the original order
of My Divine Innocence fully revealed in Revelation and the definitive
Revelation that I AM! This development must be made known - the Hierarchy
stifle the Spirit!
25th March
2001(i). Epsom Downs. Mother’s Day.
Patricia. Some people have claimed
that some of the early messages in the inspiration of Divine Innocence show
inconsistencies about the aborted children in regard to the Sacrament of
Baptism. At this early stage of the inspiration the theology associated
with the claiming was still being developed and until I had studied BA Theology
myself, I did not fully understand it. : Our Lord said:
Jesus. Woe to those who use these
inconsistencies to reject the whole message of Mercy and Compassion! If I
rejected you and all sinners because of your mistakes, no one would be saved!
Jesus. If more sensitive help was
given in the beginning instead of this message and grace being treated with
ridicule, contempt and harassment, you would have all learned together many
things peaceably! I had to stay with the instrument, to lead her through
a minefield of ignorance, hatred and disbelief, and school her in the ways of
reconciliation, mercy and love.
will you peaceably allow her to explain this message without aggression and
contempt? Her faith in Me will eventually show you that you can learn
from someone in My school of love who began this journey in complete ignorance
of the teachings of My Church. Theologians will look at the words
I have given her; they will study them and many souls will be helped
because of her. Not because this is her work, but because it is My work
in her! I will have the crucified innocence of My people triumphant in My
Divine Innocence!
is redeemed, fatherhood is redeemed, the innocence of childhood is
this message you need to learn to live that redemption!
Patricia. Our Lord is showing us that
many of the clergy have an aversion to learning from those who have gone down
to Nazareth before them and are studying the Novitiate of the Holy Family, because
they do not believe a little child, Divine Innocence, can lead them.
Patricia. I felt I had failed Our
Lord for not getting this message to the Church. Our Lord said:
Jesus. Be careful of this way of
thinking, that indicates to you that I have failed in you - the will of others
is free and beyond your control!
have said that there is no new revelation after the Apostles and that the
Church teaches this.
Jesus. They are using this
statement to deny Revelation itself – that is not acceptable! Your lack
of logic is going to prove My perfect Logic! I have given you a sense of
humour to bear it! The theologians will have to admit that I have a sense
of humour in choosing such an impossible instrument!
Patricia. Our Lord showed that the
inspiration of Divine Innocence is a greater light of the Holy Spirit on Public
Revelation and a development in our understanding of Revelation.
Patricia. I do not want to be
impossible, Lord!
Jesus. Why not, if it proves that
I can do the impossible with every impossible one!
Jesus. Grace has to be cared for
delicately. This grace and the instrument has been dealt with
roughly! (Patricia. Our Lord showed that when a flower is coming up out
of the ground, you do not tread on it or break it to pieces; “he will not break
a bruised reed” (Mat 12:20))
Jesus. It is the age old story,
you kill the prophets and then build tombs to honour them (Mat 23:29), when you
could have learnt with sensitivity from the action of the Holy Spirit!
The Scriptures bear out this!
Patricia. God’s choice of instrument
is often not the one man would choose, e.g. David was chosen yet his brothers
seemed a better choice. He was not perfect, i.e. the episode with Bethsheba.
God used David to bring about what He had planned. Our Lord is showing
that it is not even Christian to treat people the way the members of Divine
Innocence and this message have been treated. The truth should be sought
in these situations.
5th August 2002. Nazareth
Jesus. You need to appeal
to the Holy Father for a just and fair hearing and investigation. The whole body of converts and the Protestant
world will then see that every Catholic has the right, not only on paper
but in fact and in canon law, to appeal to the highest authority of the Church. A just investigation is needed into a matter
of such importance, where millions of souls living and dead are involved! This is a moment in the history of the Church
of such momentous development and importance, your God’s Divine Innocence
triumphant in the crucified innocence of mankind! A vast calling of the nations to the truth
– setting error and heresy aright! Appeal
to His Holiness!
15th October 2004.
Feast of St. Teresa of Avila.
Patricia. Dear St. Teresa of Avila, you guided your order,
help me and all here. You see what
a poor thing I am with so many faults. I
long to do the Father’s Will as My Lord did but I fall into so many faults
before I know what has happened.
St. Teresa. If you long for His Majesty, He will satisfy
your longing. You do not need to be afraid of where he will take you. He will protect you with his mighty Presence. ‘Ask and you will receive’, is the Lord of
Life’s promise (Mt 21:22).
Patricia. My Lord, we approach the Holy Sacrifice of
the Mass, the perfect and all-powerful gift God has given us for our protection,
our victory over all sin and death in you, My Jesus. Burn up all my sins and living deaths, all
that displeases you. Help Me to do
only the Father’s Will as you did, My Saviour. I
ask this same desire to grow and be fulfilled in all mankind, that there
may be no opposition to the Father’s glorious and perfect Will. I ask this in Your adorable Name, Jesus and
in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus. Well, what am I to do with such a request,
a request that is fully my own desire? Do
you have faith that I can do all things well?
Patricia. Yes My Lord, when I look at myself and at the
poor sin-torn world, it seems that nothing can cure us, but when I look at
you and Your Victory over all our sin and misery, I see an open door to glory
and fulfilment of my desire. Hope
rises in My heart and I know by faith all things are possible. Your Reparation on the Cross was complete.
What is our reparation in all these sufferings compared to Yours, My Lord?
Jesus. Your reparation is contained and embraced by
Me on the Cross and precious in My sight.
Patricia. Lord, what of free will, will all be saved?
Jesus. Not against their will. That is why your prayer
and longing desire for the Father’s Will is important. All are saved but not all know it, desire
it or believe it! [Patricia. In virtue of Christ’s saving sacrifice] That
is why the Church was established by Me; ‘that all may be one as the Father
and I are one’ (Jn 17:21), one in mind, heart and
will unto salvation of all My children. Yet
I see the foolishness of many Christian denominations, many man-made religions,
agnostics and atheists and much evil. That
is why My Church is called to be One, Holy and Apostolic. There
are millions to call to the one fold and to lovingly submit to one Shepherd.
Keep asking, big requests call for big answers and I can answer on a
universal scale! Don’t look down,
look up to Me and to Your God’s answer! Be
apostolic and joyfully go out on the missions to those who have not heard
the Good News of the Gospel, those who linger in the pleasures of life, those
who reject Me, the wilful and the wild, and in My Name call them home to
the one fold.
The message of My Divine Innocence is a mighty leap forward in the understanding
of the Universal Family, centred around My Real Presence. The claiming of
the world’s children (killed before birth) by the Church, My sign of contradiction.
This would be a great incarnational act if the
Church will only co-operate with ‘what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.’ The
whole world and all its peoples will see that My Divine Innocence is Triumphant
in your crucified innocence and in the crucified innocence of the helpless
babes put to death before birth . These
children are made in My image +. [Patricia.
Our Lord gave us his Blessing]